BTE Earmolds

Earmolds are made up of plastic or silicone material and can be classified as hard or soft molds based on their making material. The type and style of earmold often depends upon the type of hearing aid.

Thin tube

Thin/Slim tube Mold is a hollow canal style shell in hard UV Cured Silicone material. These earmolds fits in most of the models of hearing aids and is suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.
Additional RIC earmold options include: canal locks and occluded earmold styles. And is produced using Uzmi Labs Proprietary 3D digital process.

thin tube

RIC/Micromold Earmold

RIC/Micromold Earmold is a hollow canal style shell in hard UV Cured Silicone material. These earmolds fits in most of the models of hearing aids and is suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.
Additional RIC earmold options include: canal locks and occluded earmold styles and is produced using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.

ric micromold

Non Occluding

Non-Occluding open mold fits the perimeter of the concha through the helix and it provides maximum canal opening for patients with normal hearing to 1500 Hz.
Produced in hard UV Cured Silicone material , this earmold fabricated using UZMI LABS, Proprietary 3D digital process.

non occluding


The Semi-Skeleton Mold is a popular earmold because of its design,comfort, acoustic seal and retention. Produced in hard UV Cured Silicone material. This style is recommended for fitting mild to severe hearing loss. Fabricated using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.

semi skeleton


The Skeleton Mold is amongst the most popular earmold available because of its design for comfort, acoustic seal and retention. Produced in hard UV Cured Silicone material, this is recommended for fitting mild to severe hearing loss. Fabricated using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.


Canal Lock

The Canal Lock Mold is similar to the Canal Mold with a lock protruding into the concha. It is designed to be small and inconspicuous like a Canal Mold, but with better retention. The Canal Lock is also recommended for fitting mild to moderate hearing loss. Produced in hard UV Cured Silicone material, this earmold is fabricated using Uzmi Labs Proprietary 3D digital process.


Canal Mold

The Canal Mold is amongst the most inconspicuous design and offers excellent comfort and cosmetic appeal. Canal earmolds require a long ear canal for good retention and acoustic seal.
Produced in hard UV Cured or Silicone material and is recommended for fitting mild to moderate hearing loss. Fabricated using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.


Half Shell

Half Shell Mold is similar to the Canal Lock except that its design fills the concha area and is produced in hard UV Cured Silicone material and is recommended for fitting mild to severe hearing loss. Fabricated using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.

half sell


The Shell Mold completely fills the canal and concha cavity, it is recommended for fitting moderate and severe hearing loss. It provides an effective seal to reduce the likelihood of feedback. Available in hard UV cured or Silicone material and is produced using UZMI LABS Proprietary 3D digital process.
